Constitution & Bylaws
TCPEA Constitution
Approved by TPEA officers Adkison Harris, Patrick, Edmonson, and Executive Director Blanton on July 6, 2004. Approved by TPEA members on September 2004 meeting. Amended by TCPEA officers Vaughn, Roberts, Winn, Sampson, Eikenberg, Executive Director Hickey and the TCPEA Membership on September 23, 2016.
Article I — Name
The name of this organization shall be Texas Council of Professors of Educational Administration (TCPEA). TCPEA is organized exclusively for educational purposes and operates within the meaning of section 501 [c] (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code). The name change from TPEA was voted on by members in November 2004. At the time, members chose to align with NCPEA.
Article II — Purpose
The purpose of TCPEA is to promote the improvement and advancement of educational leadership by:
- Helping members become more effective in their role as professors of educational administration.
- Encouraging research, investigation, and dissemination of the research results.
- Fostering positive relationships with state and national educational organizations.
Article III – Membership
Any person involved in educational leadership or its preparation and supports the purpose of TCPEA shall be eligible for membership and all privileges by paying annual dues.
Article IV – Leadership
Section 1. The leadership of TCPEA shall be composed of an executive board of nine members, including the president, president-elect, the immediate past president and 6 regular members.
Section 2. The president-elect shall be elected for a term of one year by the Executive Board from among the two board members in the second year of the three-year term. The following year, the president-elect becomes president for a term of one year.
Section 3. The immediate past president shall assist the president as requested by the president and shall be parliamentarian for the Executive Board.
Section 4. The Executive Board will select an Executive Director. The Executive Director will be responsible maintaining the organizational accounts and financial records and for maintaining records of the organization including minutes, correspondence, and membership lists.
Section 2. The president-elect shall be elected for a term of one year by the Executive Board from among the two board members in the second year of the three-year term. The following year, the president-elect becomes president for a term of one year.
Section 3. The immediate past president shall assist the president as requested by the president and shall be parliamentarian for the Executive Board.
Section 4. The Executive Board will select an Executive Director. The Executive Director will be responsible maintaining the organizational accounts and financial records and for maintaining records of the organization including minutes, correspondence, and membership lists.
Article V – Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board shall be the governing body of TCPEA.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of nine voting members including the immediate past president, the president and president-elect, and six other board members.
Section 3. Board members will be elected for terms of three years, so that two-three members are selected each year. The first year the constitution goes into effect, elected members will draw lots for terms of one, two, or three years. The editor of the SLR journal will be a voting member of the Executive Board.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall: (a) formulate and approve activities for TCPEA including planning meetings, (b) develop the annual budget, (c) conduct an annual audit at the end of the fiscal year, (d) have power to fill vacancies in office until the next election, and (e) establish task groups to assure the fulfillment of the purpose of the unit.
Section 5. To be eligible for office a candidate shall have been a member for at least one year and be an active member of TCPEA at the time of election.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of nine voting members including the immediate past president, the president and president-elect, and six other board members.
Section 3. Board members will be elected for terms of three years, so that two-three members are selected each year. The first year the constitution goes into effect, elected members will draw lots for terms of one, two, or three years. The editor of the SLR journal will be a voting member of the Executive Board.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall: (a) formulate and approve activities for TCPEA including planning meetings, (b) develop the annual budget, (c) conduct an annual audit at the end of the fiscal year, (d) have power to fill vacancies in office until the next election, and (e) establish task groups to assure the fulfillment of the purpose of the unit.
Section 5. To be eligible for office a candidate shall have been a member for at least one year and be an active member of TCPEA at the time of election.
Article VI – Committees
Section 1. Standing committees shall be established by the Executive Board on an as needed basis to fulfill the purpose of the organization.
Section 2. Other committees may be appointed by the president on an ad hoc basis for designated purpose for the term of the president making the appointment.
Section 2. Other committees may be appointed by the president on an ad hoc basis for designated purpose for the term of the president making the appointment.
Article VII – Powers Clause
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its officers, directors, members, or other private persons, unless the organization is authorized and empowered by a change in the TCPEA bylaws to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, and the organization shall not contribute to PACs, political parties, or candidates for public office. The organization will not make any contributions that are described in section 170[c] (2) of the Internal Revenue Code (or any corresponding section of any future Federal tax code).
Article VIII – Dissolution of the Organization
If the organization (TCPEA) should decide to discontinue its activities, the assets of the organization shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes with the meaning of section 501[c](3) of the internal Revenue Code, i.e. charitable, educational, scientific, or corresponding to any future section of any future federal tax code, or shall be disturbed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose. If the named recipient is not then in existence or no longer qualified distribute, or unwilling or unable to accept the distribution, then the assets of the organization shall be distributed to a fund, a foundation or corporation organized and operated exclusively for the purpose specified in the above reference section of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code).
Article IX – Amendments
The constitution may be amended in the same manner as the Bylaws.
TCPEA Bylaws
Article I – Membership Due
Persons wishing to join TCPEA will be assessed annual dues as determined by the membership
Article II – Membership Year
The period of membership for each person who joins TCPEA will begin September 1 of any given year, and continue through August 31 of the succeeding year.
Article III – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall begin September 1of any given year, and continue through August 31 of the succeeding year
Article IV – Meetings
The Executive Board shall schedule a minimum of two meetings a year.
Article V – Elections
Section 1. The Executive Board shall be elected as follows:
- A nominating committee of at least three (3) members shall be selected by the Executive Board.
- The nominating committee should consider diversity, with particular attention to geographic diversity, in developing the slate for open positions
- The nominating committee shall present its recommended slate of candidates for the board to the membership in advance of the fall meeting. Additional nominations will be taken from the floor at the fall meeting
- The election will be conducted at the fall meeting. Nominees receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In case of a tie, there will be a run off election.
- Elected members take office immediately following the fall meeting.
Article VI – Quorum
Fifty-one percent of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum of that body. General membership appearing for any one of the meetings will constitute a quorum for the meeting.
Article VIII – Publications and Positions
Any publications or positions sponsored by TCPEA shall be approved by the Executive Board through a formal vote taken at a face-to-face, phone, or electronic meeting and recorded in the meeting minutes.
Article IX – Expenditures
The funds of TCPEA shall be distributed and accounted for by the Executive Council and reported upon at semiannual meetings
Article X – Amendments
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at regular meeting by a majority vote of the members present providing that notice has been given at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.
Article X- Parliamentary Procedure
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall control parliamentary procedure.